What are the Best Exercises to Reduce Weight - It all depends what is your current weight and how much you want to lose. Recommendations on weight loss can also be dependent on age, sex, present health conditions and a few others. Personally I think that one should always target weight loss slowly and gradually, giving your body and metabolism enough time to cope up with the changes. Exercise helps us a lot in losing weight in two different ways. Firstly, it causes the muscles of the body to do more work. Secondly raising our metabolic rate by enlarging our muscle tissue.

I generally start with taking things lightly by 15-30 minutes walking for a few days, then switch to brisk walking and then introducing moderate weight lifting and cardio exercises a few weeks later. Listen to your body, thats important too. It might be a good idea to consult a gym instructor or your doctor if you are looking for a drastic weight loss. Additionally, changes in diet are essential too. Read also: What is a Balanced Diet For Losing Weight and Good Health?

What are the Best Exercises to Reduce Weight

It is best to find a weight loss buddy so you both can encourage each other during this process, making your weight loss a fun activity than trying to be a lone warrior.

Best Exercises to Burn Fat on Butts Quickly

It is true that if you want to have an attractive figure you must have a well-toned shape with neither of your body parts over weighted. When it comes to attractiveness each and every part of the body does matter whether it is your waist or butts. Having overly weighted butts seems quite awkward and no woman is really happy with fats on butts because it not only looks bad but also de-shapes your sexy figure.

A few years ago it was believed that there is no plan that truly could target a specific part of your body and you can only work out your weight as a whole but recent studies have shown the opposite results. A weight loss research conducted at The University of New South Wales (UNSW) pointed out a plan in which “the women has to cycle for 20 minutes on an exercise bike and then have to sprint on a stationery bike for eight seconds and then lightly cycle for 12”. Associate Professor Steve Boutcher at UNSW said “They lost three times more weight as other women who exercised at a continuous, regular pace for 40 minutes.” It’s truly amazing as it is a spot reduction with great results.

Other than this exercise with bike, you can increase your walking and jogging stuff. By doing so you will be able to target muscles in your lower body part, which help you lose weight off your butt, thighs and legs. You can involve yourself in many extensive outdoor activities like power walking, skiing (go for skate skiing to target hip area), hiking and swimming (to get even better results go for flippers while swimming).
Workouts in this regard are also very helpful. Some of the workouts targeting butt region are as follows:

Lying Butt Bridge

Lie down straight on your back with straight arms touching the floor. Come to a position where your knees face the ceiling. Now raise your butts off the ground making a 45 degree angle. Go for 20 repetitions and then rest for 90 seconds. Repeat it three times that means a total of 60 repetitions.

Leg Lift

Stand straight holding something hard with your hands like a squat rack. Bend your leg up to the extent you can, in a position touching your butt. Focus on using your butt area and hamstring. Repeat it with second leg then again the first one. Repeat it in three sets with each set having 20 repetitions. You can take 90 seconds rest between each set.

Leg Press

Using a leg press machine, fix yourself in the machine and push the leg press platform away, then let it come to you which makes your knees coming to your chest. Repeat this several times. You can take help from a gym advisor.

Other than all these exercises you need to focus on a healthy and balanced diet because it is a fact that an exercise plan when incorporated with a proper diet plan can help you achieve the best results.

Walk is the Best Exercise Ever to Lose Weight

Walking is excellent choice if you want to lose weight. It will burn a lot of calories but won’t leave you extremely drained. Walking is a low cost form of exercise. No special equipment or expensive clothes are necessary to be able to participate, although a good pair of walking shoes is recommended. Try power walking for more effective results.

Its clean your body looks slim and smart and burn fat without using any pills. So the best depends upon the need of the person

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