Strabismus Surgery to Cure Your Eyes - What is Strabismus? Strabismus is a medical disorder where the two eyes do not line up with each in other in the same direction. This can have profound negative effects on the way you see and interact with other people. Some of these effects include: poor depth perception, poor hand-eye coordination as well as double vision. Most people with this eye disorder do not know there is a cure for it and usually struggle through life with it. Strabismus may lead to other eye disorders such as lazy eye which can lead to a loss of eye sight. Luckily, Strabismus can be cured and normal sight regained through the help of surgery.
Strabismus in Adults and Children
Children’s Strabismus has no known causes. However, in children this eye disorder has been linked with other disorders such as: Cerebral palsy, Prader-Willi syndrome and Trisomy 18. Some doctors believe that Strabismus is a hereditary disorder and that farsightedness is a possible factor in its passing. In adults this eye disorder can be caused by a mayriad of different factosr including: injury to the eye, a stroke or even diabetes. One or many of these factors can be prevented simply by a change in lifestyle. During a exam for Strabismus a person maybe subjected to three test for eye functioning. These test may include: light reflex, Cover test, Retinal exam and a Visual acuity test.
The Best Strabismus Specialists for the Job
With the help of eye doctors that are specialized in adult strabismus you can find a plethora of different solutions to your eye problems. One of the more well known surgeries for Strabismus is called the “slip-knot” technique that is mainly used for adults. The slip knot technique is a outpatient surgery that will properly align your eyes. One eye doctor in particular has become extremely skilled at using minimum risk eye surgery to help correct her patients eye. Her name is Dr. Jotterand and she has over seven thousands successful eye surgeries under her belt. She makes use of client specific techniques that will provide you with the most comfortable eye surgery experience with a zero percent infection rate in her twenty five years of experience.