Things Overweight - Fat People Should Consider While Dating - Being overweight is the most horrible thing when it comes to dating. It is actually the people itself who have created problems for themselves because it is natural and most obvious that not all people can have same physique; every one has its own structure but our society has made a very strange perception that only slim and smart people look good and attractive and now we all think the same way. This thinking is not only wrong but is very problematic for overweight people too.

Now even if the society decides to change this perception it will take a long time. Till then one can’t just sit aside without a partner. Everyone needs love and have a desire to be loved but it has been observed several times that overweight people are too reluctant to involve in a relationship unless their partner is overweight too. Most of the over-weighted girls think that they can’t find a handsome guy for them and same is the case with overweight guys. But one must hold a positive attitude when it comes to relationships because relationships are from heart and along with body, mind and soul is also involved. Following are a few things over-weighted people must consider while dating, if their date knows that they are fat and if their date doesn’t know this fact! Read also: Excellent Tips to Lose Pregnancy Weight

Things Overweight - Fat People Should Consider While Dating

If your date knows that you are fat

Half of your problem is solved if your date knows this fact that you are fat because he/she will definitely have this thing in mind and expected things doesn’t give great shocks. Moreover, following tips will solve rest of your problem:

  • Don’t feel insecure; be confident and don’t feel guilty about your weight. It’s not something unnatural. Many people are over-weight in this world and you are not alone.
  • Feeling good about yourself will make others feel good about you, no matter how fat you are.
  • Don’t wear clothes to hide your fatness because the more you hide, more prominent will it become. Just show what you are in a presentable manner.
  • Have personality! Personality is more important than looks so cash it.
  • Have a smiling face. Believe me smile adds charm to your face more than you think it can.
  • Don’t ever let others make fun of you. Hold such an attitude that no one could dare do so. Keep in mind, the more confident you are, the more appealing will you look.

If you yourself are not comfortable, don’t expect a next date. Be comfortable and give a feeling to your date that everything is just normal; I bet you will be asked for a second meeting.

If your date doesn’t know that you are fat

  • Blind dates are quite common these days due to the presence of internet where a pair can meet and then decides to meet somewhere out.
  • Although the profile images and video chats have made it easy to look your partner before you actually meet but still it can’t give you a closer look as you will get upon physical meeting. Nevertheless there are surprises involved if your date doesn’t know that you are fat.
  • In such a situation don’t let yourself lose hope because if you meet your date with a lesser heart he or she might feel that you are not excited about the meeting.
  • Always think that fatness can be overlooked and outweighed when compared with the great times you have had while chatting.
  • Keep in mind emotions behind a relationship is what actually matters and not the physical appearance. This will boost up your confidence and you will feel much relaxed.

In both cases, if your date knows about your fatness or not, be comfortable and easy-going. Have a smiling face! Definitely it’s not that physical appearance doesn’t matter at all but if a person who claims to love you can’t accept you the way you are, he/she might not be a right person for you. And lastly definitely you should think about losing some weight so that you can be comfortable with the presence of your slim gal or handsome guy and can enjoy a better relationship in the coming time.

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