He is what He Eats! A Person's Figure Reflects his Eating Habits - Although many of my acquaintances of my age seems pretty fat to me but it is about a boy who is an overweight at the age of eight. Farjad is basically a Pakistani and is settled in Saudi Arabia these days. He visited us this summer and I had an opportunity to evaluate him in his two day stay at my place.

He is active and fine but not once did he go for the homemade food. He use to start with ordinary chips packs in the morning and end with zinger burgers at night and to my great amazement he was supplied with all this at regular intervals. He use to play with the milk and fruits and give them to his toys but did not bother taking it himself. Though he was fully active and naughty but so fat to get hold of and to be caught. His eating pattern is the major cause of his obesity.

He is what He Eats! A Person's Figure Reflects his Eating Habits

Being fat in childhood results in many health issues later on like diabetes, bone problems, heart and respiratory ailments. It is the extra food you eat that gets stored in your body in the form of fats which results in fatness. It can be burnt by exercising and balanced diet but you need to work hard to regain your slim physique.

No doubt kids being in growing age require lots of proteins to make, grow and repair enough cells and thus meat, eggs, cheese, nuts and particularly milk is ideal food for them but too much of any type of food is bad. They should take a balance diet. A kid has slightly different set of requirements as he is growing so he should be served accordingly.

Our body comprises of millions of cells, each of which has a distinct function to do. These cells can not last longer without proper supplement of all nutrients particularly proteins that make their structure. Therefore a diet rich in protein such as milk, lean meat etc should be taken to make sure that the body cells survive and work properly. Moreover other nutrients are also required for various body functions therefore balanced diet is quite important to make sure our body gets all what it needs to grow, survive and work properly.

There is no doubt that staying healthy has to do with proper eating and living habits of a person. Since a variety of nutrients are required by human body for its growth and metabolism, therefore there must be a balanced and proper supplement of food. Food not only helps us stay healthy and active but it also strengthen our immunity system which in turn becomes able to fight against various diseases and infections.

It is not that I am against the junk or modern food because these foods in a small amount and occasionally can not do a single damage and are equally good but it is just that people because of finding it so handy, rely so much on them and eat them so frequently that it results in bad health as junk food is unable to meet all the body requirements. Therefore total dependence just on junk food items is quite injurious for health because it makes our body feeble and our immune system weak.

Thus the importance of balanced diet should not be neglected and each individual according to his weight and age should follow the balanced diet chart. One must understand the importance of health because without health there is no use of life. One must not make himself too busy to forget oneself, as there is a Spanish proverb which says, “A man too busy to take care of his health is like a mechanic too busy to take care of his tools” and how a mechanic can forget his tools. Read also: Things Overweight - Fat People Should Consider While Dating

Other than balanced diet one should ensure medical screening regularly, take proper sleep, avoid things, situations or people that make him stressed and avoid unhealthy activities like smoking, drinking etc so as to ensure a better state of health. Keep in mind what Ariphron once said “Health, the greatest of all we count as blessings”. So eat healthy to stay healthy because you are what you eat!

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