Love, Emotions, Relationships and Weight - Love is the most wonderful emotion of all. It’s a strong disturbance of feelings that directly relates to all other emotions like joy, hatred, jealousy etc. This amazing feeling can simply change one’s life. It can happen to anyone, at any age, with anything and cannot be avoided no matter what one does. Although the loving preferences may change with time, as I remember all the tears that shed for the things I wanted but could not get when I was a kid to mourning for someone I can’t be with when I am a grown up.

Love, Emotions, Relationships and Weight

Love is the basis of all relations from blood relations to friendship. Sometimes you love people and try to get them and at other times you love those with whom you spend much time with. Love has the power to change. I know people who gave up the worst of all habits for someone they loved. Love is such a superb feeling that it surrounds everybody no matter what their physical appearance is. I know a Dwarf man who has married a woman of his sort and they enjoy a happy marital life with their normal kids who are also happy with their dwarf parents. This dwarf couple could live a miserable life like many other special people on this earth but love has given them the courage to choose a different path. It gave them the confidence to do what others of their sort or even sometimes the normal people cannot do. Thus we all have to agree that love brings with itself a remarkable change. It gives courage to people to do things that can dazzle others.

Like any other person over-weighted individuals also have every right to love and to be loved. But as problematic as being over weight is in itself, so are the problems it creates for the emotional and social life of fat people. It is a bitter fact of our society that people normally don’t have any emotions for fat people. Everyone like and want to love someone with slim physique. It is said that love is blind but our society has created such discrimination between slimness and fatness that even the blind love can see it.

Due to this discrimination most of the time fat people can’t feel themselves as a part of this society. They find them out of the social circles not because they don’t want to be a part of it but because of the society of which they are a part. This attitude of the society makes fat people alone too and they become stressed which results in gaining more weight. As we all have agreed that love has the power to change one’s life so it has the power to change someone’s weight too. Well, you have read it right. I am not out of my mind or just saying this for the sake of saying but this is true. Read also: Weight Loss Exercises - High and Low Intensity Exercises

Like every individual fat people also relate to someone so if you know someone fat you must try to bring a positive change in his/her life. You must do this as a virtue because there is no other purpose of one’s life than to help others and give them the hope to live a better life. If you know someone fat you must help them lose weight by:
  • Motivating them.
  • Helping them get rid of negative feelings they have developed for themselves and giving them a new hope.
  • Making them feel that life is worth living.
  • Raise their morale and help them find their worth because they might have lost the confidence due to the negative attitude of society.
  • Giving them the confidence and positive attitude.
  • Accompanying them in their weight loss activities. For example, going for a walk or jog with them
  • Making them feel that they are loved and providing them all the support and confidence they need.
By doing this you are not only saving a life and doing a virtue but also leaving a positive example for the people around you. You never know your attitude may change the thinking of the society towards fat people and they might get the status they deserve.

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