Kaiser Individual and Family Health Insurance - What do I need to know about Kaiser Permanente enrollment? Your application includes a medical questionnaire, but no physical is required to apply. Underwriting evaluates each application on a case by case basis. Applicants who enroll while pregnant will be automatically denied. Other enrollees will be evaluated based on their present health condition and may be denied if they have serious pre-existing health conditions. Kaiser Permanente does not rate up like some other insurance companies. Your application will either be approved or denied.

Kaiser Individual and Family Health Insurance

When is the deadline to submit my application?

Applications must be submitted before the 23rd of the month in order to receive coverage on the 1st of the next month. We recommend applying a week or so before the 23rd in order to give underwriting enough time to evaluate your application and let you know your status in advance of your effective date. Applicants who submit enrollment forms on or close to the deadline often do not find out whether or not they are approved until days into their first month of coverage. There is no application fee and no payment is needed up front. You will be billed on the 11th of the month after your coverage becomes effective. You may enroll over the phone, online, or print a paper application to apply by fax or mail. When applying online you have the option at the end to download a printable version of your application to retain for your records.

What information does Kaiser Permanente ask for on the application?

Kaiser Permanente requires Social Security Number or Tax ID Number for those applying over the age of six months. If you are applying for children under six months of age, you may put zeros in place of this number.

What if I have pre-existing health conditions?

If you mark any conditions listed on the medical questionnaire or if you are presently taking medications, we recommend that you submit a doctor's letter or a personal letter of explanation along with your application to make any needed clarifications and aide underwriting in processing your application more quickly. There is no yearly one time open enrollment, but you can enroll for coverage effective the first of the month, provided you apply the 23rd of the previous month.

What is HIPAA?

Certain Individuals who would be denied for a regular Kaiser Permanente Plan for Individuals and Families qualify for coverage at higher prices, HIPAA coverage. These persons must have been on a group plan and have switched over to COBRA coverage. Also, they must have at least 18 months of creditable coverage without a break in coverage of more than 63 days at any time, and they must have exhausted their COBRA coverage. If you have not been on COBRA, you do not qualify for HIPAA coverage and you may mark the "Yes" answer in section C of the HIPAA portion of your application. Read also: Kaiser Permanente Group Enrollment Forms and Apply for Small Business Health Insurance

Kaiser Individual and Family Health Insurance

Use the links below to download and apply for individual, child and family health insurance from Kaiser Permanente.

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