The Possible Police Book Review - I received a complementary copy of the “The Possible Police” book by Wylde Scott in exchange for this review.

As soon as my one year old saw me open the envelope and as I pulled the book out, she squealed and got so excited because the book is so colorful and enchanting especially for kids. As soon as my daughter who is 1 squealed my 2 year old and 5 year old came running over to see what the excitement was all about. My boys loved the police illustration on the front and my daughter wouldn’t stop staring at the colorful rainbow on the back.

The Possible Police Book Review

I normally would have read the book before reading it to my boys but with all their excitement we sat down right away and opened the book.

As we opened the book one of the first phrases we see is “Imagination is Everything”. I love this phrase! Trying to teach kids in this day and age to use their imagination with all the technology that surrounds them is becoming more and more difficult. This book doesn’t sugar coat it all. The first page sets the scene starting off a little dark explaining how the possible police comes at night to “steal away my dreams” which automatically scared my 5 year old who somewhat understands the concept of bad dreams. We went on to read the book.

It really resonated with me the way the book was explaining to a kid through dreams that the child couldn’t and wouldn’t achieve their goals. I tell my kids every moment I can “that you can and will do anything you set your mind too”, so for this book to come out of the gate saying that “all things I want I simply can’t achieve” and for the child to stand up for himself and say “These dreams of mine are meant to be” was great for my kids to read. It validated what I say to them all day, everyday. I’m not sure if this is true with all kids but it sure is with my boys right now. I can tell them something till I’m blue in the face but until they hear it from someone else it doesn’t seem to resonate with them at all.

This book is fantastic and a must read to your kids. Not only does it teach them that other kids have dreams and thoughts but it helps them to understand that there is a choice to say yes or no to those little or big thoughts and dreams that they may have which may or may not bring doubt or fear into their minds. Kids need to feel confident and this book helps them in teaching them to be confident with themselves and with their dreams. We thoroughly enjoyed this book and like all books they love we have read the “The Possible Police” for the past week straight and we love it.

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