How To Stop Overeating - A majority of us have days when we are reaching out for something to eat even though we have probably just eaten a meal. It could sometimes be a bagel soon after breakfast, a doughnut just when you have had lunch or an extra helping of dessert even after you feel full. While going on a strict diet may not be the answer to stop overeating, there are some simple tips that we could try out to curb it and to feel healthier and lighter.

How To Stop Overeating

1. Do not skip breakfast

It is not uncommon to have breakfast on the go – a single slice of toast, a piece of fruit or a left over doughnut or bagel. Mornings can get crazy because of all the multitasking we do. It could range from getting ready for work, dropping kids at school or daycare or prepping their meals and dinner. So breakfast is one meal which more often than not doesn’t get the attention it deserves. Studies have proven that eating carbohydrates, protein and fat in the morning helped people to stay fuller for a longer time and prevented them from snacking. Try and plan your breakfast for the week so that you can either prepare for it the night before or have all the ingredients ready so that you can whip up a balanced and healthy breakfast quickly. Children benefit tremendously by starting the day with a good breakfast so this is one habit that can definitely start when they are younger.

2. Eat at regular intervals

You are probably thinking, easier said than done. If you have very long gaps between your meals, you tend to lean towards higher calorie foods. Try and eat at regular intervals instead. Besides breakfast, lunch and dinner try and eat smaller portions of healthy snacks. It could be a banana, a handful of nuts or some Greek yoghurt. If you are on the move, carry a small snack with you at all times to stave off those hunger pangs.

3. Stop emotional eating

If you feel you are leaning towards food when you have had a bad day or are upset or even when you want to reward yourself, you are setting yourself up for emotional eating. If you are not feeling happy about something that transpired at work or at home don’t rely on that pint of ice cream to make you feel better. Direct your mind to another task or activity. If you want to treat yourself, indulge only on special occasions.

4. Get rid of the not so healthy options

While it’s perfectly fine to eat those not so healthy options once in a while, try and refrain from stocking up on chips or cookies or fried food. It is incredibly hard to eat say just one of them so ensure you don’t keep these around at home too often.

5. Learn to recognize when you are hungry and full

This may take some getting used to but it’s a great way to avoid overeating. Learn to eat when you are just beginning to feel hungry instead of waiting till you are starving. Also try and follow your body when it is telling you its full – you are feeling a little bloated and not relishing the food as much as you did when you had started eating. Another common mistake is to misinterpret thirst for hunger so keep yourself hydrated.

6. Focus on your food and savor each bite

It is very hard to get distracted during a meal. An email that needs to be answered, an interesting show on TV. Keep distractions to a minimum and learn to savor, chew and enjoy every bite and like how our mothers told us, eat slowly.

7. But not the least, eat right

Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables versus processed foods. Always keep fiber rich foods like apples and carrots on hand, choose whole grain breads and pasta. Incorporate leaner proteins into your meals – skinless chicken or black beans or even chickpeas.

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