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BMI and Bone Frame Sizes
Many people assumed that because they were large, they had a bone frame size classification that justified weighing more. The chart allowed people with big bones to be heavier than people with small bones.Today, some people believe that body mass index (BMI) does not apply to them because their extra weight is from their big bones or muscle, not from fat. The truth is that while people do have different frame sizes and it is possible to be overweight on the BMI chart because of extra muscle, most people who weigh too much for their height do so because of excess body fat. That said, a few studies have been done on the relationship between bone frame size and BMI.
What the studies found is that medium and large bone frames are closely related to their percent body fat and BMI as the bone frame gets bigger, the percent of body fat and BMI both go up. Small bone frames, however, do not have less body fat.